随着计算机技术的发展,计算机用户越来越多,随之而来的安全问题也越来越重要;现今黑客对网络中的计算机的攻击方法多种多样。近几年,一种名为 DDOS 的攻击手段尤为突出。为了充分了解这种攻击手段的特性,本文将描述以此为目的的模拟攻击实验。本文的架构大概如下。本文先简要介绍分布式拒绝服务攻击的基本原理等,并简单阐述有关工具的原理与使用。其次,本文将详细描述本实验的主要内容,以及当中所用到的工具的使用技巧,还有一些数据的简单分析。
As the computer technology develops,more and more internet users appear.As a result of this, safety becomes more and more important.At present,there are many ways in which hackers attack the computers in internet.And one method named DDoS is especially outstanding.In order to know more about this method,the context will describe the simulated experiment based on it.The text will explain the basic principle of Distributed Denial of Service first,and show the principle and use of some DDoS tools.Secondly, the text will describe the content of the experiment and some techniques of the tools.At last,there will be some analysis of data.
Journal of the Graduates Sun YAT-SEN University(Natural Sciences.Medicine)