
完全禁带二维光子晶体的研究 被引量:1

Two Dimensional Photonic Crystals with Complete Band Gaps
摘要  利用平面波展开法,对存在完全禁带的正三角排列的气柱型二维光子晶体和蜂窝状排列的介质柱型二维光子晶体进行了研究,分析了柱的半径和介质折射率对完全禁带大小的影响,结果表明,正三角排列气柱型比蜂窝状排列介质柱型具有更大的最大带隙率,而且最大带隙率还可以通过介质折射率的改变来优化;蜂窝状排列介质柱型二维光子晶体最容易加工的结构刚好适合常见材料硅或砷化镓,具有更大的实用价值。 Two dimensional photonic crystals with triangular lattice air rods and honeycomb lattice dielectric rods are studied using planar wave expansion method.From the analysis of the radius' and refractive index's effects on complete band gaps, it is concluded that triangular lattice air rods structure is possessed of the higher maximum gap ratio which also can be optimized by changing refractive index than honeycomb lattice dielectic rods structure.The most practical structure of the later can almost arrive its maximum band gap for silicon or gallium arsenide,it is more valuable to practice.
出处 《半导体光电》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期480-483,共4页 Semiconductor Optoelectronics
关键词 光子晶体 二维光子晶体 平面波展开法 完全禁带 带隙率 photonic crystal two dimensional photonic crystal complete band gap planar wave expansion method gap ratio
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