
一种新的压缩体素模型及其应用 被引量:16

A New Compressed Voxel Model and Its Application
摘要 用体素模型 ( Voxel)表示体积较大或精度要求较高的物体时需要大量的计算机存贮空间 ,相应的操作时间也较长。介绍了一种压缩表示形式的 Voxel模型结构 ,该方法用 3个方向的 Dexel模型表示 Voxel模型 ,其计算机内部存贮空间得到了很大的压缩 ,布尔操作也得到了进一步的简化。文章也讨论了压缩体素模型的图形显示方法 ,提出基于渐进立方体 ( Marching Cubes)方法的优化表面三角网格提取算法 ,并利用 Open GL功能显示产生的表面三角网格。基于该压缩 Voxel模型开发的虚拟油泥造型系统在实际中得到了应用 。 Using the voxel model to represent a bulky or high-precision object requires large storage size and long manipulation time. The dexel model method proposed by Van Hook can reduce greatly storage size , but, in our opinion, still suffers from certain shortcomings which we discuss in some detail in this paper. Therefore, we present a new geometrically compressed structure that utilizes the dexel model in three directions to represent a voxel model. This algorithm can greatly save the storage and simplify the Boolean operations. As compared with Van Hook's dexel model method, our new geometrically compressed structure method can deal conveniently with an object very complex in shape. We also discuss the visualization of the compressed voxel model and propose an optimal mesh extraction method based on the Marching Cubes algorithm. Finally we use OpenGL to display the triangular meshes. The compressed voxel model was applied to the Virtual Clay Modeling of an automobile with excellent effect.
出处 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期684-688,共5页 Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
基金 国家自然科学基金 (5 0 4 75 14 5 ) 西北工业大学回国人员科研启动 西北工业大学青年教师创新基金资助
关键词 体素模型 几何压缩 网格提取 虚拟油泥造型 voxel, mesh extraction, geometrically compressed structure, Virtual Clay Modeling
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