

Toxicity experiment of the Neo-compound Glycerrhize tablet
摘要 提要:新型复方甘草片是由青海制药厂试制的一种新产品,处方组成和每片含量如下: 甘草浸膏 0.1125克阿片粉 0.004克(原方0.001 8克) 苯甲酸钠 0.002克酒石酸锑钾 0.00l克八角回香油 0.002毫升樟脑 0.002克从处方组成和含量看,除阿片粉由每片含0.0018克增加到0.004克外,其它成份与原处方一致(1)。因阿片粉是剧毒药,增加剂量是否增大毒性,对人体是否产生不良反应,为此,青海制药厂委托我室做毒理实验,本室只承担急性毒性和亚急性毒性部分,其它项目如药率学、药动学和成瘾性等已委托北医临床药理研究所承担。 The composition of Neo-compound GIycerrhize tablet is based on that of the original pr escription with only a little change, I.e.to increase opium pow der as the chiof drug content from 0.0018 to 0.004 gram Per tablet.1ts results of the toxicological experi- ment is as follows. 一、Acute toxity tests. Drug was administered by mice with the method of Stomach infusi- on. LD was 15.6495±1.082 g/kg and 16.5067±1.066g/kg 二、Subacute toxicity tests. Rats were divided into four groups, ten in tach group.2 4 groups were given Neo compound glycerrh- ize tablets;their dosages are 1/20LD .1/15LD .1/10LD.respectively. The other group was given N.S.Solution as control.This drug was administered once a day conti- nuing for for fonr weeks.The results of this experiment proved the followi- ng four indications: 1、weight of the rats was inc. reased after the experiment 2、The GPT was reduced in all experiment groups especially those taking the high and middle doses.Their variability is signifi cantly different(P<0.05).Tests sh- owed that this drrug has the function to protect the liver. 3、Almost there was no effect of the drug on the red and white b- lood cells because there is no signi- ficant variability. 4、There was no appering va- rlability. on the brain heart. liver spleen. lung kidney. stomach. Int- estine and after administration of the drug In general toxicity of the Neo-compound Glycdrrhize is Very light. It can be applied in clinicl curing.
出处 《青海医学院学报》 CAS 1989年第1期12-16,共5页 Journal of Qinghai Medical College
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