Six murine tumors including ascitic and solid forms of sarcoma S180, HepA, EC, leukemia P888 and Lewis lung carcinoma were employed in this work. The free sialic acids in both blood and ascites were measured in tumor-bearing mice. The results showed that the content of free sialic acids in blood was relevant to tumor growth and tumor type. A high content of sialic acids in ascites was observed, it suggests that the tumor could produce more sialic acids than the normal tissues.All four types of tumor ascites samples mentioned above were separated with an anion exchange chromatography, and an obviously low content of NeuGc analogues in HepA was found. The influence of some antineoplastic agents on the content of sialie acids in blood was investigated in mice bearing either S180 or Lewis lung carcinoma. The different influence on both tumor growth and serum sialic acid levels of mice bearing tumors was found. Probimane and cisplatin were able to decrease the serum sialio acid level.
Sialic acids
Antineoplastic drug
Tumor growth
Immunosuppressive effect