

Some Comments on the Creative Leading Modes and LeadingWays of Social
摘要 在计划经济体制下,我们主要依靠行政命令等方式和方法实施领导,这种体制及其领导方式和方法都有其局限性。随着计划经济向社会主义市场经济体制转变,必然要求领导方式和领导方法的转变和创新。创新领导方式和领导方法,有其理论根据和事实根据。创新领导方式和领导方法,必须实现几个转变:变“一言堂”随意型为民主法制型;变封闭型为开放型;变强迫型为自主型;变单一型为多样型。要充分认识领导方式和领导方法创新的主客观条件。以辩证思维看待领导方式和领导方法创新的主要内容,包括几个统一:管住和放开相统一;法治和德治相统一;精确和模糊相统一。 Under the situation of planned economic system, we are carrying out our leadership depending mainly upon some administrative orders, such kind of systems ane their leading modes and ways also have their limitation . With the transformations and reforms of planned economy towards the markets of socialist economil system , we must require the transformations and new - idea - creation in the ways and modes of our leadership. To create the leading types and the ways, we have its theoretisal bases and fact baces . To create the leading- types and the ways of our leadership, we must realize several transformations: And change the casual 'Only One leader'sSaying 'to democratic legal types; to changec losde type into opening type; and also change forced type into independent one ; amd the single type into various ones , We should realize fully the subjective and the objective conditions on the creating mew ideas of the leading modes and the ways . We just use the dialectic ways to look at the main content of the creative, leading modes and the leading ways ,they include several uniforms :to control and set free in a uniform ; to rule legally and morally in a uniform,and to consolidate accurately and fainty.
作者 蔡永生
出处 《毕节师范高等专科学校学报(综合版)》 2001年第4期1-4,共4页 Journal of Bijie Teachers College
关键词 社会转型 领导方式 领导方法 创新 转变 民主法制型 开放型 自主型 多样型 social transformation, leading modes, leading ways, create new ideas.
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