介绍了防汛抗旱指挥信息系统的建设目标、体系结构、各功能模块、使用VisualBasic 6 0和SQLServer进行系统开发设计的一些处理技术等。开发出的系统除具有一般防汛抗旱指挥信息系统的功能外 ,还具有一定的通用性 ,并且用户能定制其系统界面。
The article introduces the construct aim,system structure,the functions of software modules and some disposal technique used in the process of system exploitation with Visual Basic 6 0 and SQL Server,and so on.This system has the same functions as general command and information system of flood and drought prevention,in additional,it is universal in part and it′s system interface can be customized by customers.The commander can finish his works on the graphic interface.
Journal of Hengyang Normal University