通过分析敏捷供应链和精益供应链的异同点,阐明了在供应链中集成敏捷和精益的竞争优势;利用一个时间/空间 的二维矩阵的分析方法,提出基于不同战略取向的企业可以采取不同的"精益-敏捷"运作模式;本文还提出综合运用二者的三 种具体策略。
This paper explains the competitive advantage of supply chain integrating leanness and agility by means of analyzing the primary similarity and difference of them. It is showed how they may successfully be combined in a time time± space matrix, and different supply chain modes may be adopted in different types of enterprises according to the requisite business strategy via a time± space matrix. Three comprehensive applications of both concepts are put forward.
Value Engineering