今天,价格竞争策略仍是厂商最常用的策略之一。但不少厂商在价格竞争策略的实施中存在一些错误,这些错误的 后果有时是十分严重的。本文从经济学和营销管理的角度,对价格竞争策略实施中,从认识上到实践中存在的七种常见的错误 进行了研究分析,以期寻求克服和避免这些错误的方法与措施。
In nowadays, the price competition strategy remains one of the most common ones made by manufacturers have made such mistakes, which led to very heavy loss sometimes. Hie purpose of this paper is to do some analysis and research, from economics and marketing management point of view, on them from cognition to practice in the hope of seeking some methods and measures to overcome and avoid these mistakes.
Value Engineering