吉林省食物中毒的发生呈平缓下降趋势 ,但却出现了一些新的特点 :学校学生食物中毒人数增多 (因食用豆奶和豆奶饼干 ) ,家庭食品中误入、误食农药事件时有发生 ,死亡人数权重较大 。
In recent years, the food poisoning cases decreased steadily in Jilin Province. But some new characteristics should be paid attention to. The number of poisoned students has increased due to eating toxic soymilk and soymilk biscuit.Sometimes food poisoning occured relating to taking pesticide in some families. Inaddition, the death toll is greater. These new cases, therefore, has drawn our great attention even if they happen accidentally.
Chinese Journal of Public Health Management