根据自来水加压泵站较为分散、偏远等特点,利用S7- 226 PLC逻辑控制、自由口通信功能及MO-DEM的远程通信能力相结合,解决了加压泵站的超远程监控,给出了上位机拨号通信程序,以及自由口通迅数据帖格式、通迅程序等。该监控方式可在乡镇自来水加压泵站得到推广应用。
Because running water pump station are often scattered, and located in remote areas, by utilizing S7-226 PLC logical controller, free-communicating interface and Modem's remote communicating ability, the problem of its over-remote monitoring has been solved. Communicating program of upper-computer, free-communicating interface data frame and communicating program etc. are put forward. This monitoring manner can be spread at town's level of water pressure raised pump station.
Drainage and Irrigation Machinery