介绍一种新型联合循环发电系统,它利用余热锅炉产生的中压蒸汽驱动一种新型H_2O透平(工质为汽气混合物)来提高发电出力,并采用具有不产生NO_X的纯氧燃烧方式,同时回收CO_2 。模拟计算表明,该新型发电系统具有很高的经济性和实用性。
A CO2-capturing NOX-free H2O turbine power generation system is proposed in this article, in which middle pressure steam produced in a thermal power plant is utilized to increase generated power when demand for electricity is large. The proposed system can capture all the generated CO2 based on the oxygen combustion method and emits no NOX, so that it causes no urban and global environmental problems.