在使用ASP或ASP.net进行Web开发中,经常需要将各种统计数据或数据库以图形的方式表达出来。如果是绘制简单的直线或柱状图,可以采用画表格或缩放特定的GIF图象的高度和宽度来实现,但如果要绘制一些复杂的曲线就比较困难了。通过对OFFICE自带的OWC(Microsoft Office Web Compoent)控件的研究和认识实现复杂曲线的绘制,并将这种方法充分应用在鄯善采油厂开发数据库的开发应用中。
In the Web development by use of ASP, various statistic data and databases often need to be shown in a chart form. It is easy to draw rectilinear figures or columnar sections, but very difficult to draw some complex curves. Through study of the Microsoft Office Web Component built in Office, the authors accomplish complex curves'drawing, and this method is widely used in the development of Shanshan Production Plant database.
Tuha Oil & Gas