关于抵押与质押之区分 ,大陆法系主要有三种立法例。我国对抵押与质押关系的处理经历了由《民法通则》的“质”“押”合一到《担保法》的“质”“押”分立的变迁。《担保法》中采取多元化的标准区分抵押与质押 ,担保标的不同 ,抵押与质押的区分标准也各不相同 ,这就造成了若干理论上的困惑和一些实践中的不便。为此 ,有必要以民法典的编撰和物权法的制定为契机 ,对抵押与质押的区分进行重新思考和抉择 。
According to civil law tradition, three different leg is lation systems exist in the distinction between mortgage and pawn. In China, we experience the change from combining mortgage and pawn as one in General Princip les of the Civil Law to separate the two in Guarantee Law. In the latter, multi\|criteria are established to distinct mortgage and pawn to different objective matter, thus theoretical bewilders and practical inconvenience grow cone out. It is necessary to re\|consider the distinction between mortgage and pawn, and cho ose the criteria by the method of possession.
Contemporary Law Review