图书馆作为文献信息传播系统的重要组成部分,其文献信息传播活动必然受到所处环境的制约。本 论文对图书馆文献信息传播活动来自宏观、中观和微观三个层面的影响因素进行了论述,旨在对图书馆文献信息 传播活动的有效开展起到一定的借鉴与指导意义。
As an important part of documental information communication system, a library's documental information communication activity is often conditioned by the environment it belongs to. This paper discusses the three-aspect influencing factors, which come from macroscopical,middlescopical and microscopical environments, on library's documental information communication activity. It aims that it would have directing and referencing significance to the effective development of the documental information communication activity in library system.
Research on Library Science