文章阐述了中文乐谱的特征和《国际标准书目著录(乐谱)》简称ISBD(PM)中描述乐谱特征的著录项 目及与CNMARC格式的联系。综合论述它们之间的逻辑关系。在此基础上,根据中文乐谱特征以及用户的需求, 联系实际工作放眼未来提出遵循ISBD(PM)规定,利用CNMARC格式的相应字段科学著录,全面描述中文乐谱特 征的方法。
This paper says the characters of Chinese music score, and some areas or elements in the International Standard Bibliographic Description for Printed Music (ISBD (PM)). And it says the relation between the ISBD (PM) and CNMARC format also. The author studied the logic relation among the areas or elements of describing the character of Chinese music score, what is based on the characters of Chinese music score and the requirement about readers. The author puts forward the method to describe the characters of Chinese music score with the areas or elements of CNMARC format by making scientific, what is based on the practical catalogue work following the ISBD (PM) and future working.
Research on Library Science