
基于多场耦合的车门铰链凸焊过程有限元仿真 被引量:4

Multi-field coupled finite element analysis on projection welding of auto-door hinge
摘要 凸焊被用于连接某车型的车门铰链和加强板。针对实际生产现场中车门铰链在焊接装配后出现的上下铰链不同轴问题,基于ANSYS软件,建立了基于多场耦合的凸焊过程数值仿真模型,通过直接耦合法和顺序增量耦合法交互,完成了结构、电、热三场耦合分析,并与实际测量数值对比,获得良好仿真效果。 Projection welding is used for joining auto-door hinge and reinforced plate. To solve problem of uncoaxiality after projection welding, a numerical simulation was presented. Using direct couple method and sequential incremental coupled method, a thermal-electrical-mechanical comprehensive analysis was performed to quantitatively simulate projection welding. Compared with actual experimental measurements, the simulation result was good. It indicated that numerical simulation was a quick and cost-effective method and help to auto-door assembly process optimization.
出处 《焊接学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期64-68,共5页 Transactions of The China Welding Institution
关键词 电阻凸焊 车门铰链 多场耦合 数值仿真 Computer programming Computer simulation Doors Finite element method Hinges Mathematical models
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