目的 探讨不同时期颈部及球后血管的血流动力学变化与糖尿病视网膜病变 (DR)发生、发展的关系。方法 将 46例糖尿病患者的视网膜病变分为无糖尿病视网膜病变期 (NDR)、背景期 (BDR)、增殖前期 (PPDR)和增殖期(PDR),采用彩色多普勒显像技术检测糖尿病患者及正常对照颈部及球后血管的血流动力学变化。 结果 随着DR程度的加重,颈动脉粥样斑块检出率逐步升高;各期颈总动脉血流无明显变化;PDR颈内动脉血流下降;从PPDR开始眼动脉血流下降,阻力升高;NDR视网膜中央动、静脉血流升高,从BDR开始血流逐渐下降,阻力升高。 结论 颈部及球后血管的血流动力学变化与DR的发生、发展有密切关系。
Objective To investigate the relationship between hemodynamic changes of cervical and retrobulbar vessels and diabetic retinopathy. Methods Forty six diabetic patients were divided into four different stages:no diabetic retinopathy(NDR),background diabetic retinopathy(BDR),pre proliferative diabetic retinopathy(PPDR) and proliferative diabetic retinopathy(PDR).Color doppler imaging (CDI) was used to quantify hemodynamic parameters of cervical and retrobulbar vessels in the control group and diabetes mellitus (DM)groups. Results The increasing trend of the check rate of carotid atherosclerosis was presented accompanying the exacerbation of the diabetic retinopathy.There was no significant hemodynamic change in common carotid artery(CCA).Blood velocity of internal carotid artery(ICA) was significantly decreased in PDR,and so was that of ophthalmic artery in PPDR.There was a significant increase in blood velocity in central retinal artery(CRA)and central retinal vein(CRV)in NDR,however,that of CRA and CRV was significantly decreased in BDR. Conclusion The hemodynamic changes of cervical and retrobulbar vessels are correlated with diabetic retinopathy.
Chinese Ophthalmic Research