针对我国竹地板销售价格连年走低、环保要求日益严格的现状 ,提出了将无毒、高效、低成本、生产和使用方便的 BL -甲醛消纳剂应用于竹地板生产的设想。作者使用 BL -甲醛消纳剂分别在竹地板上进行了小试和中试 ,并分析了 BL -甲醛消纳剂在竹地板上的应用前景。结果表明 ,使用 BL-甲醛消纳剂完全可以生产出高强度、低成本、环保的竹地板 ;BL -甲醛消纳剂和芬兰太尔化工有限公司生产的Aerolite UP4 116胶配制使用时 ,较佳的添加量为 2 0 %~ 30 % ;BL-甲醛消纳剂在竹地板行业应用前景广阔。
As the price of bamboo floor is getting lower and lower in successive years and the demand of environment-protection is becoming more and more strict, the hypothesis to apply BL-formaldehyde absorptive reagent,which is innocuous, high effective, low cost, convenient-in-use and convenient-in-production,to the production of bamboo floor was tested. Small and medium scale experiments were made respectively to analyze the application prospect of BL-formaldehyde absorptive reagent in the production of bamboo floor. The result indicated that high strength, low cost, and environment-friendly bamboo floor did be produced by applying BL-formaldehyde absorptive reagent. The suitable additive proportion was 20%~30% when BL-formaldehyde absorptive reagent was mixed Aerolite UP4116, which was produced by Tile Chemical Lmited Corporation in Finland. BL-formaldehyde absorptive reagent can be widely used in bamboo floor industry.
Journal of Bamboo Research