郭沫若作为一位主情的文艺大师 ,女性形象成为他创作的主体内容 ,他以男性的视角叙述着对女性的认识。早期 ,郭沫若塑造了“三个叛逆的女性” ,让她们喊出了妇女“天赋人权”的正义呼声 ,要求着女性的权利。然而 ,作为一位男性作家 ,郭沫若在为女性摇旗呐喊的同时 ,又不能完全脱离男性中心的樊篱 ,所以 ,其作品中女性形象的自我价值、人格完成似乎只有在男人身上才能最终实现。可以说 ,她们为某种信念的牺牲是很苍白的 ,她们也有想获得同男人一样的地位感、责任感、价值感的心理 ,然而 ,在特定的历史条件下 ,她们无法“争取女性失落的权利”。这也是妇女痛苦的根源。
As a master of emotion literature, GUO Mo-ruo developed women characters as the main figures of his works, telling his interpretation of woman from a man's point of view. GUO had developed “three rebel women”, pushing them to call justly “the Nature Endowed Human Rights” of woman and struggling for woman rights. But as a man writer, Guo could not set himself free from the inner fence hidden in a man's mind when he was rooting for women, which resulted in that the self-value and personality of the women could only be realized on men eventually. It can be said that the death of the women for some beliefs is pale and meaningless. Their minds were full of the same sense of position, responsibility and value, as man's, whereas they processed no way to strive for women rights under such special historical conditions, which is also the sources of their pains.
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology(Social Science Edition)
GUO Mo-ruo, chronicle play, women