西方女性主义与翻译研究的结合在上世纪 70年代开始便给传统翻译理论和实践观念带来了强烈的冲击 ,产生了丰硕的理论成果。然而与国内文艺理论界对女性主义理论的广泛介绍和深入研究相比 ,女性主义翻译理论的介绍明显滞后 ,与当前国内深入讨论的后殖民翻译研究的情形也无法相提并论 ,实质性的深入研究更是罕见。尝试对西方女性主义翻译研究进行全面地介绍 ,以便能引起国内译学界的重视 。
The interplay between feminism and translation studies over the seventieth of last century in the West ultimately exerted forceful influences upon the conventionally-held concepts of translation studies, necessarily yielding fruitful researches. One will be surprised, however, to find a fact that the introduction and further profound research of the interplay between feminism and translation studies fall far behind of what occurs in the domestic circle of literary theories. What's more, it also turns out to be a peripheral phenomenon domestically if it is compared with the prospering conditions of other theories such as post-colonial translation theories and so on. To change such a situation, a comprehensive review and criticism are put forward of the evolvement of the intercourse between feminism and translation studies in the West in a hope that it will arose more academic interests and ultimately propel relevant research in China.
Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology:Philosophy and Social Science Edition