人力资源是第一资源。我国是一个人口大国 ,如何把沉重的人口负担转化为丰富的人力资源优势 ,把人口大国建成人力资源强国 ,是中国教育面临的重大课题。本文在分析我国人力资源开发现状的基础上 ,提出了今后一个时期大力发展高等教育、中等教育和继续教育的思路 。
Human resources is the first resources. China has a large population . How to convert the population into rich human resources and build a country of large population into a nation of powerful human resources confronts the development of Chinese education. By analyzing China's development of human resources, some thoughts are put forward on how to develop China's higher and secondary education and how to solve the education for the underprivileged people.
Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology:Philosophy and Social Science Edition