中国高等教育与国际接轨迫使高校两课教育必须改革。通过对高校两课教育的现实重要性、政治性与学术性及两课学科归属等有关问题的探讨 ,建立了两课教育领导体制及实现方式探讨的认识前提 ,然后对高校两课教育的领导体制和各种实现方式进行比较分析 ,最后提出可供选择的高校两课教育领导体制的实现方式。
With the internationalization of higher education in China, the Two-Courses education has to be reformed. The Two-Courses is discussed in the political, academic aspects and its importance and origin, the foundation is established of its Guidance System and means of realization, the existing Two-Courses Guidance Systems and means of realization are compared and analyzed, and reasonable Guidance System and means are put forward of realization of the Two-Courses in higher education. The means of realizing the Two-Courses Guidance System and its calcification are created both in theory and research.
Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology:Philosophy and Social Science Edition