目的 :评价硬膜外腔注药治疗腰腿痛的临床疗效。方法 :选择 12 0例腰腿痛患者 ,于腰椎病变上一间隙常规硬膜外穿刺 ,然后硬膜外腔注入曲安奈德 4 0mg、维生素B110 0mg、维生素B610 0mg、维生素B12 1.0mg、5 %碳酸氢钠 2ml及 2 %利多卡因 10 0mg复合液。每周一次 ,两次为一个疗程 ,以此方法治疗腰腿痛。结果 :经过 (1~ 3)个疗程治疗 ,本组 12 0例总有效率 92 .5 %。结论 :硬膜外腔注药治疗腰腿痛不失为治疗腰腿痛的一种好方法。
Objective: To observe the clinical effect of extradual drug therapy on lumbocrural pain. Method: A total of 120 cases with lumbocrural pain were treated with tramcinolone acetonide (40mg)+ vitamin B 1(100mg)+B 6(100mg)+B 12 (1.0mg)+2% lidocaine (100mg)+ 5% sodium bicarbonate (2ml) by injection to extradial cavity, 1/week up to two to six weeks.Result:The cure rate was 92.5%. Conclusion: It is a good way for treatment of lumbocrural pain using the extradual drug injection.
Qinghai Medical Journal