科学作为革命的力量 ,对社会的进步发挥了重要的作用 .物理学是自然科学和工程技术的基础之一 ,经典物理学的建立和完善曾经大大促进了社会的发展 .日心说的提出 ,力学、热学、电磁理论的建立 ,不仅对人类的整个思想文化产生了历史性的影响 ,而且为推动产业革命和电气技术革命起到了关键性的作用 .
The present writer thinks,as a revolutionary power,science plays an important roll in society progress.Physics is one of natural scientific and engineering and technical foundation.The classical physics has ever been moving development of society.The article is relating to from heliocentric theory to constructing classical physics,and emphatically discusses that the classical physics played a vanguard effect in promoting Industrial Revolution and the electrification.
Journal of Capital Normal University:Natural Science Edition