The authors analyzed 763 eyelid specimens which were examined by the Department ofPathology,Xuzhou Medical College,and the First People's Hospital etc.from 1959 to 1991.In the group of benign eyelid tumor (n=430),the first 4 were nevus (116),cyst (111),papilloma (44) and hemagioma (38).In the mal(?)gnant tumor group (n=333),the first 4were basal cell carcinoma (184),squamous cell carcinoma (101),malignant melanoma(21) and adenocarcinorna of the Meibomian gland (19).Therare tumors found in the studyincluded rhabdomyosarcoma and malignant neurilemoma,etc..The geographical features ofseveral kinds of eyelid tumor in Xuzhou region are described.