目的 :合理应用影象技术 ,提高影象学技术在输尿管肿瘤诊断中的应用价值。方法 :回顾性分析 2 1例经手术病理证实的原发性输尿管肿瘤的术前超声、CT、IVU、逆行造影四大影象技术资料。结果 :超声的对尿路积水最敏感的95 2 % ,CT的定位率最高 5 6 3 %。IVU和逆行造影的尿路显象率低 ,但在尿路显象的病例中其定位及病变检出率高。结论 :4种影象技术各有优势和不足 ,使用时应当合理有序组合 ,先用超声发现有无积水 ,大体确定梗阻部位 ,然后用CT或根据肾功能情况选择IVP或逆行造影进行准确定位和检出肿瘤 ,以不给患者增加痛苦和经济负担为前提 ,取长补短 ,达到最佳诊断效果。
Objective To apply the imaging examination into diagnosis of primary ureteral tumor properly,and to improve the value of imaging examination in this field.Methods The results of imaging examinations including ultrasonography,CT,IVU,retrograde urography in 21 patients with primary ureteral tumor,which was proven by operation and pathology,were studied retrospectively.Results Ultrasonography was the sensitive way in diagnosis of hydronephrosis and localization of obstruction,X-ray CT scan played an important role in detecting lesions,the site of the lesions was determined in 56.3 %.IVU and retrograde urography could be carried out in limited patients,but they could easily find the obstruction and correctly determine the site of tumor in these patients.Conclusion Because of the advantages and disadvantages of these four techniques,ultrasonography should be of the first choice to find the hydronephrosis and site of the obstruction approximately,then CT was carried out or according to renal condition,IVU or etrograde urography may be selected to determine the site of the tumor.
Journal of Shanxi Medical College for Continuing Education