本文论述现代办公大楼供水系统的计算机集中监测与控制的方案及其实现,包括水箱水位监测、供水消毒设备监测、水泵控制、水泵机房以及设备层跑水漏水检测、中央空调风机盘管的漏水检测等。还阐述了工控组态软件 FIX 与 C 语言程序的接口技术、FIX 与 Excel 的数据交换方法。
The solution and realization of computer centralized measurement and control for building water system,which include the level check of the water tank,sterilizing check,and water pump control,etc,are introduced in this paper,The software interface of FIX with C pro- gram,and the data exchange method of FIX with Excel are also presented.
Intelligent Building