周边虹膜切除术是治疗和预防早期原发性闭角型青光眼的一种有效方法。激光治疗青光眼,特别是Q(?)开关Nd:YAG 激光虹膜切开术,由于其聚焦性能好,暴光时间短,操作简便,术后组织反应轻等优点,因而广大眼科医师乐于采用,患者容易接受。目前激光治疗青光眼已成为介于药物治疗和手术治疗之间的一种方法。本文对我院1988年以来92例(116只眼)和周边虹膜切除术109例(189只眼)YAG
IOP was controlled in 90.5% of 92 patients (116 eyes) of peripheral iridectomy and in91.07% of 107 patient (189 eyes) of neodymium - YAG laser.Postoperatively,the IOP waslowered,the use of hypotensive drugs diminished and the index of chamber angle closureimporved (P<0.001).The vision influenee bigest in peripheral iridectomy (P<0.001).Theiris bleeding obvious in laser postoperatively but vision and IOP was no influence.