目的 探讨重度上睑下垂引起内眦赘皮的矫正方法。方法 内眦曲面端各做一方向相反呈 6 0°角的“乙”字形切口线 ,局麻下沿预定线切开 ,剥离切口四周形成三角形皮瓣 ,松解内眦韧带 ,找到泪小管 ,从泪小点处插入小探针 ,置硬膜外管至鼻道处 ,重建泪小管。用 5 - 0线将泪小管及硬膜外管向内固定 ,将三角形皮瓣交换位置 ,用 5 - 0线间断对位缝合。同时做上睑下垂矫正。结果 本组 94例矫正全部理想。结论 上睑下垂矫正配合内眦赘皮矫正治疗重度上睑下垂并发内眦赘皮 。
Objective To discuss the correction method for severe eyelid ptosis combined with epicanthus. Methods 84 cases of such patients were underwent the operation with this method. The “Z” incision and lacrimal duct reconstruction were performed and eyelid ptosis was corrected same time. Results All cases had achieved satisfactory results. Conclusion The correction of eyelid ptosis and correction of epicanthus could treat this severe disease with better curative effect.
Heilongjiang Medical Journal