目的:探讨细菌在慢性非细菌性前列腺炎病因中的作用,评估细菌 16S 核糖体核糖核酸(16SrRNA)基因在前列腺液标本和前列腺组织标本中检出的差异。方法:应用 PCR方法检测 38 例慢性非细菌性前列腺炎患者的前列腺液和前列腺组织中细菌 16SrRNA基因,同时对照检测尿道拭子和直肠拭子以及穿刺枪头拭子的细菌 16SrRNA 基因。结果:细菌 16SrRNA 基因的检出率在前列腺液中和前列腺组织中分别为78.9%和81.5%(P > 0.05)。细菌基因信号在前列腺液标本中和尿道拭子中各有 30 例(78.9%)和 4 例(10.5%)呈阳性(P<0.01);在前列腺组织中和直肠拭子中各有 31 例(81.5%)和 6 例(15.8%)呈阳性(P<0.01),无一例穿刺枪头拭子阳性。结论:慢性非细菌性前列腺炎患者的前列腺液和前列腺组织中均有细菌16SrRNA基因的检出,其病因可能与细菌感染有关。细菌 16SrRNA基因的检出在前列腺液标本和前列腺组织标本中差异无统计学意义。
Objective:To investigate the role of bacterial in chronic abacterial prostatitis and determine if bacterial 16SrRNA gene detection rate differ between expressed prostatic secretions(EPS) and prostatic biopsies.Methods:Polymerase chain reaction(PCR)was used to detect bacterial 16SrRNAgene signal in EPSs and prostate biopsies of 38 men with chronic abacterial prostatitis. Also, urethral swabs, biopsy gun needle swabs and rectal swabs were assayed by the same technique.Results:Positive rate of bacterial 16SrRNA gene in EPS samples and prostatic biopsies were 78.9% and 81.5%,respectively(P>0.05). Bacterial 16SrRNA gene was detected positively in 30(78.9%) EPS samples and 4(10.5%) urethral swabs (P<0.01); 31(81.5%) in prostatic biopsies and 6(15.8%) in rectal swabs (P<0.01). All needle swabs were negative.Conclusions:Bacterial 16SrRNA gene signal had been detected in EPS and prostatic biopsies of patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis; Bacterial infection is possible related to chronic abacterial prostatitis.
Journal of Clinical Urology