
一株汉坦病毒的分离及基因鉴定 被引量:1

Genetic Isolation and Identification of Hantavirus
摘要 目的分离汉坦病毒并采用分子生物学方法进行基因鉴定。方法组织细胞培养法和RT-PCR法。结果在黑线姬鼠体内分离出一株汉坦病毒,分别用HTN型和SEO型的特异引物对其进行基因扩增,同时以76-118株和L99株作对照,结果分离株经HTN型引物扩增出一条明亮带并同76-118株结果一致。结论分离株经基因鉴定为HTN型病毒。 Objective To isolat hantavirus and identify them by molecular biological methods Method Tissue cell culture and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)were used Result A strain of hantavirus was isolated from Apodemis agrarius, technique were need using strain 76-118 and strain L99 as controls, its gene was amplified with the specific primers of serotype HTN and serotype SEO The isolated strain showed a bright band after amplification with the primer of serotype HTN, and its result is identical to that of strain 76-118 Conclusion The isolated strain is identified as hantavirus through gene identification
出处 《中国预防医学杂志》 CAS 2004年第6期443-445,共3页 Chinese Preventive Medicine
基金 国家科技部资助项目(项目编号2001DIA40037)
关键词 汉坦病毒 分离 基因鉴定 基因扩增 细胞培养 RT-PCR法 Hantaan virus Gene amplification
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