介绍了《太钢日报》印刷厂对其激光照排系统进行技术改造、硬件配置和软件配置的情况 ,还介绍了激光照排系统与以前旧系统的比较和激光照排系统的主要特点。该系统改造完成后 ,2 0 0 2年印刷厂产值增加了4 0 % ,并提高了劳动生产率。
The writer introduced Laser Mastering System (LMS)technology reconstruction in the printing house of TISCO Daily,collocations of hardware and software,comparing of Laser Mastering System with old system,leading points of Laser Mastering System. After this system reconstruction,production value of the printing house was added 40% in 2002,and the labor productivity was also improved.
Metallurgical Information Review