在C++程序设计中,多态性理解为不同函数的同一接口。C++语言支持两种多态性:编译时的 多态性和运行时的多态性,本文分别给予详细介绍。通过重载函数、重载运算符和虚函数三个方面对比介绍, 能深入领会到多态性的意义和实现,并重点阐述了C++中虚函数的来龙去脉。
In C ++ design program, Polymorphism is interpreted as the same interface of different function. C ++ language supports two kinds of Polymorphism: static polymorphism and dynamic polymorphism.This text offers the detailed introduction separately. Through Function overload, Operate overload and Virtual function to compare with the introduction again, can understand the meanings of polymorphism and realize thoroughly , and has explained the ins and outs of Virtual function in C ++ especially.
Journal of Huangshan University