Loop invariant code motion (LICM) is a traditional optimization. In modern compiler,it is normally per-formed by the phases of middle-end. The immediate representation (IR) of middle-end is machine independent. And it is machine specific in the back-end. The loop invariants are created when the IR are lowered from middle-end to back-end. Hence,we need to perform the LICM in the back-end. We integrate the LICM into the instruction schedul-ing phase. The reason behind this integration is that it is easy to model the cost of elimination during the phase of scheduling. In order to alleviate the already complex scheduler,we decouple the loop invariant identification from the 'code motion' operation. The identification part is a standalone phase and the 'code motion' part is integrated into scheduling. We have implemented the proposed LICM in the code generator of open source compiler ORC. The result shows the LICM can boost the performance by 1% and obviate the needs of unnecessary motions of 78% loop invariants to their enclosing loops.
Computer Science