
分光检影装置和初试报告 被引量:3

A device of dynamic retinoscopy with semi-refrective mirror
摘要 目的设计研制半反半透镜分光式动态检影装置,用此装置检测眼调节状态。方法改良旧式的注视和检影同方向检影法为两者成90°角的检影法,使动态检影法的适应性明显扩大。结果更为准确。并利用此装置对一个小样本双眼视的眼调节状态进了检测,包括双眼注视阅读视力表和观看三维彩色体视图。结果双眼视的实际调节平面远于目标平面,彩色体视图有较大深度感。结论分光式动态检影法比普通动态检影法对于双眼视调节的测定具有特殊意义。 OBJECTIVE The basic concept and the method of dynamic retinoscopy have been generally described.METHODS A newly designed method of dynamic retinoscopy with semi-reflective mirror has been introduced to measure ocular accomodadion.Instead of the same direction between the fixation and the retinoscopy,directions of fixation and retinoscopy,with a 90 angle between the fixation and the view of retinoscopy is designed to complete the dynamic retinoscopy.Ocular accommodation of binocular vision of a small sample subject has been measured by this device.The binocular vision includes binocularly reading a reading chart and the binocular vision of color three-dimensional dots picture.RESULTS The plane of accommodation is more far than the target plane.The binocular vision depth is quite far.CONCLUSION This technique of the dynamic retinoscopy has special advantage compared with ordinary method for determinating accommodation of binocular vision
出处 《中国中医眼科杂志》 2005年第1期5-7,共3页 China Journal of Chinese Ophthalmology
关键词 动态检影法 调节 立体视 dynamic retinoscopy accommodation stereopsis
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