目的 :测定血管内激光光凝治疗大隐静脉曲张围手术期血浆内皮素 - 1(ET - 1)和一氧化氮 (NO)的水平。方法 :5 8例大隐静脉曲张患者 ,分为轻、重两组 ,采用激光血管内光凝治疗 ,在治疗后第 1,3,7和 14d取静脉血检测血浆内ET - 1和NO水平 ,检测方法分别为放射免疫分析和Griss法。同时 5 6例大隐静脉曲张患者行传统的大隐静脉高位结扎、分段剥脱治疗 ,同样在治疗后第 1,3,7和 14d检测血浆内ET - 1和NO水平。结果 :大隐静脉曲张患者轻症组ET - 1水平同正常对照组没有明显区别 ,而NO水平高于对照组 ;重症组ET - 1和NO均明显低于正常水平。两种手术方法治疗后血浆ET - 1和NO水平均呈先升高后降低 ,向正常水平接近的变化趋势 ,但血管内光凝组较传统的手术方法ET - 1和NO变化幅度小 ,且提前恢复到正常水平。结论 :ET - 1和NO水平高低是判断手术应激强度大小和病程转归的一种指标。
Objective To determine the changes of levels of plasma endothelin-1(ET-1) and nitric oxide (NO) after intravenous photocoagulation of the varicosis of the greater saphenous vein. Methods Fifty-eight patients with varicosis of greater saphenous vein were treated with intravenous photocoagulation. The levels of plasma ET-1 and NO were determined with radioimmunoassay and Griss method respectively on the 1st, 3rd, 7th and 14th day after the treatment. Another fifty-six patients with varicosis of greater saphenous vein were treated with the traditional high ligation and stripping method. The levels of ET-1 and NO on 1st, 3rd, 7th and 14th day postoperatively were also determined too. Results The levels of ET-1 and NO, whether inphotocoagulation or traditional treatment group, increased at first, then decreased, approaching normal level finally. The peak levels of ET-1 and NO in photocoagulation group were lower than those in traditional method groups, reaching normal levels earlier. Conclusion The levels of ET-1 and NO after treatment can reflect the intensity of stress and condition of recovery.
Journal of Radioimmanology