本试验对塞北兔 A 系、B 系、C 系进行了饲养对比试验,旨在探索塞北兔三系间的差异;同时也比较了布列塔尼亚兔、伊普吕兔与塞北兔间的差异。试验结果表明:塞北兔三系间在试验期增重和饲料报酬两项指标差异不显著(P>0.05),塞北兔与布列塔尼亚兔、伊普吕兔存在差异极显著(P<0.01)。
This contrast test was conducted to three strains of Saibei rabbit.The purpose is to probe the differences between three strains of Saihei rabbit.The test has also compared the differences between Saihei rabbit and Hyplus rabbit and Elco rabbit.The results show that there are no significant differences in gain and feed conversion efficiency among three strains of Saibei rabbit (P> 0.05).But comparing with Hyplus rabbit and Elco rabbit,Saibei rabbit is extremely significant (P<0.01).