中国石油大庆石化公司炼油厂1 Mt/a重油催化裂化装置改造后,能耗过高。经过对比分析,发现装置能耗增加的主要因素是耗电量、烧焦量上升、外输蒸汽折能减少。通过优化操作参数,装置汽提蒸汽量减少1.8 t,外取热产汽量由36 t/h提高至56t/b,生焦折能降低到50-60 kg/t,能耗达到标准要求。
The energy consumption of 1 Mt/a heavy oil FCC unit in Refinery of Daqing Petrochemical Company, CNPC, increased overhigh after reforming. The results of comparison analysis show that the main factors of energy consumption increasing are rising of electricity consumption and coke combustion amount and decreasing of energy converting of steam. Through optimizing operation parameters, stripping steam consumption decreases 1.8 tons, external heat steam output increases from 36 t/h to 56 t/h, energy converting of coking decreases to 50-60 kg/t, energy consumption reaches the standard.
Petrochemical Industry Technology