对由截面较小的梁、柱、支撑形成的复合结构代替住宅中承重墙的新型住宅结构体系进行了结构选型分析。选取常见的三种支撑形式 ,用不同软件分别对其进行了竖向荷载和水平风荷载作用下的内力计算分析。其结果表明 ,竖向荷载作用下 ,“人字”支撑的结构体系内力最小 ,构件弯矩、剪力仅为另两种形式的 2 0 %~ 6 0 % ;水平荷载作用下 ,三种支撑结构的内力相差较小 ,说明三种支撑结构体系在抗侧能力方面基本相等 ,但和框架结构内力相比 ,梁的弯矩仅为框架梁的 1 5 0 ,柱弯矩仅为 1 2 5。由此得出“人字”支撑结构为新型复合结构体系较合理的结构形式。
The analysis of structural lecto types for a comp ound system composed by beam, column and brace with less sections, which substit utes supporting wall in multi-story residence, is carried out. Internal forces of the system acted under vertical loads and wind loads are calculated by differ ent software. As a result, the structure system installed with “∧” brace has t he minimal internal force under vertical load, and its member bending moment and shear force accounts for from 1/20 to 1/60 of those of other kinds of modes. Bu t the internal forces have less difference among three kinds of braced structure s under horizontal load, it illustrates that three kinds of structural types hav e almost equal ability in resisting lateral pressure. Compared with frame struc ture, beam moment and column moment of the structural system with “∧” brace a c count for 1/50 and 1/25 of that of frame structure. Therefore, the system instal led with “∧” brace can be regarded as rather rational structural system among new compound structural systems.
Industrial Construction
河南省自然科学基金资助项目 (0 4110 5 0 90 0 )