
国际生物多样性保护现状与对策 被引量:12

Status and Outlook for Protection of the World Biological Diversity
摘要 本文论述了国际生物多样性保护现状与发展趋势、研究目的与研究课题、生态系统的原理在生物多样性保护中的应用,介绍了我国保护生物多样性的概况与成就,并提出了我国保护生物多样性的对策。 This paper discusses the status and trend in protection of the world biological di-versity, the application of ecosystem principles to its protection, and the purpose and con-tents of researches on its protection. In the contemporary world the ideology and actions for its protection are unprecedently reinforced. Some influential international organizations takethe protection of biological diversity as a priority project to be first funded in the coming 10years. Many countries in the world have developed a strategy and plans of action for its pro-tection. More than 40 international pacts and agreements for its protection have beensigned. The funds allocated for its protection have amounted to 10 billion US dollars.Considerable effort has been made by China in saving the endangered wildlife and plants.The Ministry of Forestry, China has invested 100 million yuan in setting up 16 EndangeredWildlife Breeding Centers with more than 60 rare endangered wild animals and birds succe-ssfully bred. In China the various nature reserves having been established numbering 708,with an area over 56 million ha, being about 5. 6% of the national total. In China more than400 rare endangered plants protection and breeding centers and germplasm banks have beenset up, with over 1, 000 rare plants protected and multiplied in new habitats. The authorproposes 8 measures for the protection of biological diversity: such as making an inventory ofthe basic number of animals and plants and their present distribution, reinforcing the 7research fields for their protection, carrying out rational development and sustained utilizati-on of the bioresources and participating the international cooperation for natute conservationand biological diversity protection.
作者 陈炳浩
出处 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 1993年第5期8-14,共7页 World Forestry Research
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