作者依据严密的逻辑分析和严格的科学史考察认为 ,量了力学现有数学形式体系与正统物理解释是逻辑自洽的 ,量子力学标准解释 (加上主要修正 )与数学形式体系是相协调的。EPR论证对量子力学完备性的质疑是缺乏逻辑说服力的 ,但很具启发性。笔者应用当代科学哲学家关于科学理论说明理论的研究成果 ,从量子力学建构特征角度论证了现有量子理论 (包括描述和说明两部分 )是不完备的 ,并提出了使其走向完备的一个可能途径。
The author of the paper thinks. the system of mathematical formalation in QM and the physical standard interpretations of QM are in logical harmony. The formalism and orthodox interpretation are coordinated. Quesrion to the completability of QM in EPRessay remains convineing, yet it cast new liahts. Following the theory of explanation in modern philosophy of science, find the auther the description part and explanation part in QM are not in correspondence. So the system of QM now adays are in complete. At last, a way to complete QM;is suggested.
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