指出了目前我国股指期货上市的必要性。认为推出股指期货 ,可以发展壮大股市 ,吸引国外资本 ,强化政府对证券市场的宏观调控 ;我国股指期货上市可分两步走 ;沪深股指直接就可作为股指期货合约的股指 ;应尽快出台股指期货上市的规则与办法。
This paper expounds the necessities of opening stock index futures and holds that openning stock index futures can help develope and expand securities exchange markets, absorb foreign capital and stongthen the government's macroeconomic regulation of the stock market. There are two steps that should be followed in opening stock index futures; the current two kinds of stock index futures can be used directly as stock index futures; the state government has to promulgate the rules and regulations on stock index futures as soon as possible.
Journal of China Coal Economic College