自学是学好外语的重要途径。充分发挥学生的主动性 ,指导学生搞好课外自学 ,是外语教师的义务。加强外语自学符合哲学、教育学和心理学的原理 ,并具有重要的现实意义。文章参考国外有关研究 ,结合我国高等学校外语教学的实际 ,分析了加强外语自学所面临的问题 ,探讨了如何指导学生搞好课外自学的方法 ,并提出了需要进一步研究解决的问题。
Self-study is an important approach to mastering a foreign language. It is a teacher's responsibility to encourage students' autonomy and direct them with their independent study. Promoting student autonomy can be justified on philosophical,pedagogical,psychological and practical grounds. Consulting research by scholars abroad and considering the domestic reality of foreign language learning and teaching,we analysed the problems that we face in fostering students' ability to study independently,discussed ways to deal with the problems and put forward some relevant questions that still need exploring.
Journal of China Coal Economic College