Using the H & E, collagenous fiber and elastic fiber staining methods,the authors have observed the structure of the goose skin in winter with microscope.The results showed that the skin was separated into three parts, i. e. epidermis, dermisand hypodermis respectively. The epidermis is stratified squamous epithelia. The dermisconsists of two principal layers: the outer layer is dense and composed of bundles of col-lagenous fibers, the bundles are small and organized more compactly as contrasted withthe other layers; the inner layer has three parts: the dense layer nearing the outer der-mis consists of some smooth muscle bundles and connective tissue; the loose layer in themiddle consists of a lot of fat cells and a little connective tissue; the elastic fiber layerlying on the hypodermis has some collagenous and elastic fibers. The hypodermis iscomposed of loose connective tissue with a lot of fat cells. The measuring results: theepidermis and the outer layer of the dermis at the cervix and the inner layer of the der-mis and the elastic fiber layer at the dorsum were the thickest.
histological structure