日人竹添光鸿的《左氏会笺》是关于《左传》整理和注释的重要著作。它对《左传》整理的贡献首先体现在校勘上 ,其校勘特点主要从校勘方式和校勘方法两个方面显示出来。《左氏会笺》在校勘方式上可以归纳为存真求善、做校异、订讹误三种 ;在校勘方法上则可总结为对校、本校、他校、理校等几种。通过对《左氏会笺》校勘方式、方法的举例分析 ,并展现《左氏会笺》的校勘情况 ,说明其校勘不仅使《左传》的古钞本更臻于完善、精粹 。
Zuo Shi Hui Jian, written by Japanese scholar ,is an important collating and annotating book on Zuo Zhuan. One of its contributions is its annotation, which lies on two aspects: the modes and the ways of its annotation. This discourse thinks that its annotating modes include remaining its truth, comparing, correcting its errors, and its annotating ways mean collating with other editions, its context, other materials and by ratiocinating. It shows that the book of Zuo Shi Hui Jian makes Zuo Zhuan perfect and enrich the annotating cases of emending study.
The Northern Forum