
Ratio of hydantoinase and N-carbamoylase:key to preparation of D-amino acid from 5-monosubstituted hydantoin 被引量:1

Ratio of hydantoinase and N-carbamoylase:key to preparation of D-amino acid from 5-monosubstituted hydantoin
出处 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期148-151,共4页 CIESC Journal
基金 supportedbytheStateKeyDevelopmentProgramforBasicResearchofChina (2 0 0 3CB7160 0 0 4) .
关键词 取代 海因酶 制备 酸水解 氨基酸 比例 ratio hydantoinase carbamoylase D-amino acid preparation Burkholderia cepecia 1003
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