研究慢性胃炎脾气虚证的临床症状、体征和胃镜下胃黏膜象,以探求其宏观及微观诊断要点。将根据临床辨证和胃镜检查确诊的 90例慢性胃炎患者,按中医辨证分为脾气虚证组 30例,胃阴虚证组 30例,脾胃湿热证组 30例,观察各组患者脘腹疼痛、面色、口渴、饮食、出汗、寒热、二便、舌象、脉象等临床症状和体征;在胃镜下观察不同中医证候的慢性胃炎患者在胃镜下呈现的不同的胃黏膜象,并作病理活检。通过总结慢性胃炎脾气虚证的主要临床症状、体征以及胃黏膜象和病理特点,提出慢性胃炎脾气虚证宏观和微观的诊断要点。
This paper studied the conditions of clinical symptoms, signs and gastroscopic mucosa to explore the diagnostic essentials of the spleen-qi deficiency of chronic gastritis. Ninety confirmed cases of chronic gastritis were categorized into three syndromes: spleen-qi deficiency, stomach-yin deficiency and spleen-stomach dampness-heat syndromes, 30 cases in each syndrome. Such clinical symptoms and signs as complexion, tongue and pulse were observed; and the gastric mucosa were gastroscopically observed and pathologically assayed. The diagnostic essentials were summarized in terms of clinical symptoms, signs and gastric mucosa.
Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
浙江省中医药管理局科研基金(2000 C 38)