An agent is a computer software that is capable of taking independent actionon behalf of its user or owner. It is an entity with goals, actions and domain knowledge, situatedin an environment. Multiagent systems comprises of multiple autonomous, interacting computersoftware, or agents. These systems can successfully emulate the entities active in a distributedenvironment. The analysis of multiagent behavior has been studied in this paper based on a specificboard game problem similar to the famous problem of GO. In this paper a framework is developed todefine the states of the multiagent entities and measure the convergence metrics for this problem.An analysis of the changes of states leading to the goal state is also made. We support our study ofmultiagent behavior by simulations based on a CORBA framework in order to substantiate ourfindings.
An agent is a computer software that is capable of taking independent actionon behalf of its user or owner. It is an entity with goals, actions and domain knowledge, situatedin an environment. Multiagent systems comprises of multiple autonomous, interacting computersoftware, or agents. These systems can successfully emulate the entities active in a distributedenvironment. The analysis of multiagent behavior has been studied in this paper based on a specificboard game problem similar to the famous problem of GO. In this paper a framework is developed todefine the states of the multiagent entities and measure the convergence metrics for this problem.An analysis of the changes of states leading to the goal state is also made. We support our study ofmultiagent behavior by simulations based on a CORBA framework in order to substantiate ourfindings.