迄今为止,社会的构成观念基于人类中心主义的立场,仅将社会看作是由人类个体结合而成的集合体 或共同体组织,即仅将社会看作是人类这一物种的共同体,故称为人类社会。这种社会构成观念在理论上失足于 人类中心主义哲学立场,在实践上造成了生态环境的恶化和生态系统的失衡这种生态灾难。物种社会的构成观念 摈弃了人类中心主义的哲学立场,基于自然(整体)中心主义立场,将社会的构成不再仅仅看作是人类这一物种的 共同体,而是看作自然界所有物种(包括人类这一物种)连接在一起的共同体,这种社会共同体可以称为物种社会 或生态社会。
This article aims at setting forth a whole new social constitute concept. So far, the social constitute concept based on the narrow standpoint of human central tenet, only think that the society aggregate or community-organization is made up of human individual, that is taking the society as a community of human species, so names it human society. This social constitute concept slips theoretically in the philosophical stand of illusive human central tenet, and practically cases ecology disaster of biology environmental degeneration and biology systematical disbalance. The species constitute concept of species-society throws away human central tenet, and based on total-naturally central tenet, take the constitute of society as a community made up of all the species in the nature, not as a human community. This community of society is called species society or ecology society.
Qilu Journal